Video #1: Bli kjent med verktøyet

Tool training 1: Bli kjent med verktøyet Lær hvordan du navigerer i plattformen og forstå funksjonene i nyhetsrommet ditt.

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Video #2: Sett opp nyhetsrommet ditt

Tool training 2: Sett opp nyhetsrommet ditt Lær mer om innstillinger for å sikre at nyhetsrommet er i perfekt stand for publisering og distribusjon.    

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Video #3: Nå målgruppen din

Tool Training 3: Nå målgruppen din Få bedre innsikt i hvordan du jobber med kontaktene dine for å sikre at du sender innholdet ditt til rett målgruppe.    

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Video #4: På tide å publisere!

Tool Training 4: På tide å publisere! Lær hvordan du publiserer ulike typer innhold og skaper en god struktur i både nyhetsarkiv og mediebank.    

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Video #2: Få dit presserum op at køre

Tool training 2: Få dit presserum op at køre Lær mere om indstillinger, så du kan få dit presserum klar til publicering og distribution af indhold.    

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Video #1: Lær værktøjet at kende

Tool training 1: Lær værktøjet at kende Lær at navigere din Mynewsdesk-platform og forstå alle funktionerne i dit presserum.

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Video #3: Nå ud til din målgruppe

Tool Training 3: Nå ud til din målgruppe Forstå, hvordan du arbejder med dine kontakter for at sikre, at du sender dit indhold til den rigtige målgruppe.    

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Video #4: Klar til at publicere!

Tool Training 4: Klar til at publicere! Lær, hvordan du publicerer forskellige typer indhold og strukturerer dit nyhedsarkiv og din mediebank.    

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Audience Targeting

Find it in Mynewsdesk: Contacts > Audience Targeting Finding the right journalist at the right time to be able to pitch your story and to follow it up properly is one of the hardest thing…

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Tracking the impact of your story

Find it in Mynewsdesk: Publish > Press release/News/Blog posts Keeping track of the impact of your PR work and seeing the media coverage you get from your stories is an important part of your work.…

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Create search profiles in Monitor

Find it in Mynewsdesk: Monitor > Search profiles With Monitor you will be the first to know what's being said and written about your brand, industry or competitor. You will learn who your audience is,…

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How to enable and log in with two-factor authentication

Find it in Mynewsdesk: Your Name > Settings Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds another layer of security against unauthorized access by using your smartphone as an authenticator. By enabling it you will be asked when logging…

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Learn more about Contacts.

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Find and import contacts from Audience Builder

Find it in Mynewsdesk: Contacts > Audience Builder Audience Builder is a media database that helps you identify and connect with relevant journalists and influencers within your industry. Whether you want to reach out to…

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Introduction to Contacts

Before distributing content, integrate your list of key contacts and journalists. You can manage profiles to know exactly who your contacts are. More importantly, get useful insights on how engaged each of your contact and…

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Introduction to Publish

Publish and distribute stories effectively. Save valuable time by creating, publishing, and distributing your stories in one place. Choose which topics, distribution lists and social media channels your story should be sent to. Then use…

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Dashboard for newsroom

The Dashboard is the first page you land on after logging in. It provides an overview of all your current updates i.e. basic statistics for the last 30 days. If you don’t have access to…

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Introduction to Settings

Find it in Mynewsdesk: Cogwheel icon The Newsroom settings contains pretty much all your settings. Add your company information, integrate your newsroom with your social media channels and find the settings for how to implement…

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Find the basic settings for your newsroom

Find it in Mynewsdesk: Settings (under the cogwheel top right) > Newsroom settings Build your newsroom and set the default functionalities here. You have four different tabs for all settings in your newsroom, we will…

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Introduction to Monitor

With Monitor, you will be able to find out what’s being said and written about your brand as well as engage your audience in conversation. Be it competitor updates or potential crises, you’ll be the…

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Distribute content through social media Channels

Find it in Mynewsdesk: Settings > Channels Distribute your stories straight into your social feeds at the same time you publish them in your newsroom. Available feeds include Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube. The steps…

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Import contacts into your lists

Find it in Mynewsdesk: Contacts > Import You have two options for importing contacts - upload a file or copy and paste. If you have a lot of new contacts you want to add, it’s…

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Introduction to Analyze

Analyze provides you with data that allows you to understand exactly how successful your stories, newsroom, and network relationships are. Take effective actions based on valuable KPIs, such as views over time, click-through rates, or…

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Structure your content in Category Management

Find it in Mynewsdesk: Settings > Category Management Imagine visiting a newsroom and not finding what you are looking for. You will probably lose patience quickly and leave the website. You don’t want this to…

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Analyze specific content

Find it in Mynewsdesk: Analyze > Your content. View statistics for each type of content. This enables you to analyze more specific data. When clicking the tab All content in Analyze, you will find a…

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Analyze your entire newsroom

Find it in Mynewsdesk: Analyze > Newsroom. In your newsroom statistics, you will find summarized insights of your entire newsroom. Date range – Select a specified time for the statistics you want to see. The…

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Publish a press release, news or blog post

Find it in Mynewsdesk: Publish > Press releases/News/Blog posts The publish form is the same for all press releases, news and blog posts. So congratulations, on this page, you will learn all three at once!…

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Publish an image

Find it in Mynewsdesk: Publish > Images Make your newsroom come alive with images that are available for download by your visitors. Upload images related to your content or other images related to your company.…

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Getting started

A introduction to the full PR-work flow in 9 minutes.

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Learn more about Monitor.

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Video #4: Dags att publicera!

Lär dig hur du publicerar olika typer av innehåll och skapar en bra struktur i ditt nyhetsarkiv och mediebibliotek.

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Video #3: Nå din målgrupp

Få bättre insikt i hur du arbetar med dina kontakter för att se till att du skickar ditt innehåll till rätt målgrupp.

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Video #2: Konfigurera ditt nyhetsrum

Lär dig mer om inställningar för att säkerställa att ditt nyhetsrum är i perfekt skick för publicering och distribution.

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Video #1: Lär känna verktyget

Lär dig navigera i plattformen och förstå funktionerna i ditt nyhetsrum.

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Learn more about Publish.

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Learn more about Analyze.

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Learn more about Settings.

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