Find it in Mynewsdesk: Analyze > Benchmarking

With Benchmarking, you can analyze the performance of your newsroom and see how it compares to your competitors. It helps you  identify which areas you need to work more with, and where you have done a great work!

You will see your logo and your company name in the areas we have blurred.

Here you see two boxes, the blue box to the left shows data from your own newsroom, while the red one to the right shows which newsrooms you are benchmarking against. Both boxes present four types of data from the last 30 days.

Newsrooms views – the number of page loads in the newsroom

Time on page the average amount of time that the newsroom readers spend on the pages of the newsroom

Email views – the number of times emails have been opened by newsroom contacts and followers

Published content – the number of press releases, blog posts and news updates that the pressroom has published

The first time you use Benchmarking, the settings are automatically adjusted so that your newsroom is compared to other newsrooms of the same industry and company size.  You can easily change this by clicking Benchmark settings and going over the filter drop down menus. Your latest selection will be remembered and used as the default for next time.

Compare against – either choose all newsrooms in your country or a specific industry and company size

Choose industry – Pick the industry you want to compare against

Choose company size – Select the appropriate company size (number of employees)

The data that is shown in the boxes will is the same one  shown in the bar chart. To read more information about each performance metric, move your mouse over a bar group.

The following graphs will show you the same data as above: Newsroom views, Email Views, Time on page and Published content, but over the past 12 months instead. To see the exact number on a certain point of the graph, hold your mouse over it.