By using our feature Send exclusive you’re able to send a preview to selected recipients, send a draft copy to a colleague, or to yourself to preview your content before publishing it.

You start by creating your content in Publish and saving it as a draft, without publishing it. 

To use the Send exclusive feature, go to Contacts > Contact lists where you will find the button Send exclusive. Click on Recipients in the To field to add recipient lists or individual contacts. Suggestions will be shown to you while typing. Click to choose a list or email, or use the Enter key to add the marked suggestion. When you’ve added your recipients, click on Attach content to select and attach your draft.

If you want, you may add a subject for the email and a personal message, but this is purely optional, as it also works fine to leave those boxes empty.

Finally, click on Send exclusive and your content will be sent by email, but will not be published in the newsroom. It might always be a good idea to first send to yourself only, then you can check if everything looks good before you send the material to other contacts.

Alternatively, you can go to Send exclusive directly from the edit page of e.g. a press release, by clicking on the button Send exclusive

Another way to use the feature Send exclusive is to send already published content to more recipients.

Learn more about Contacts in our Guides
or read about when an email with published content is automatically being sent

Please also see:
Can I schedule a press release via Send exclusive?