For any email that you send from Mynewsdesk, the standard setting for the “from address” is
You can customise the from address to use your own email address (e.g. Click on the gearwheel and choose Email settings. To set up a custom “from address”, please read the technical instructions on how to configure DNS settings, giving us authorisation to use your email address for your Mynewsdesk account.
Whether you have set up a custom sender or not, when publishing a story, emails to followers will always be sent from
These contacts have actively created a user account on Mynewsdesk (hence also accepting our Terms of Use and subscribing to emails from Mynewsdesk), in order to follow one or more newsrooms. Hence both from a GDPR point of view and a technical perspective, they are being handled apart from the individual newsrooms.
This separate handling is also a prerequisite for excluding follower emails from your monthly email credits quota, i.e. distribution emails to followers do not use up any of your monthly email credits.