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The Newsroom settings contains pretty much all your settings. Add your company information, integrate your newsroom with your social media channels and find the settings for how to implement the newsroom on your website.


Newsroom settings – Find all your basic settings like adding your logo and company description. Edit the design of your newsroom, add a social media feed to your newsroom under Social Feeds, and set up the integration of your newsroom into your own website under Hosted Newsroom (Professional/Enterprise).

Channels – Activate your social media channels so you can distribute your content there.

Email Reports – Set up automated email reports from the tool to you and your colleagues.

Contacts settings – Add your reply-to address for emails.

Category management – Sort content in your newsroom with categories. Edit and pin your categories here.

Additional services

Email settings (Professional/Enterprise) – Personalize your emails by using a custom email address. 

Story Widget (Professional/Enterprise) – Promote your recent stories on your website. 


Security – If you are an Account Owner, this is where you enforce all users to set up two-factor authentication (2FA) for higher security.

Users – Add new users or delete existing ones in your newsroom.